
我是新手。我50多岁了,从18岁起就有精神问题。我设法熬过了这些年,但在90年代初,情况开始发生变化。我变得越来越沮丧。2000年1月,我彻底崩溃了。我的医生问过我很多次我的情绪,因为我的愤怒和疯狂购物。最后我参加了考试。是的,我承认我有躁郁症。上周我在3天内花了1500美元。但我读的是一些能让你放松的东西。 I become very angry, I've actually yelled that I feel like spitting, and I really do see the color red. I am clinically depressed the time I'm not doing something stupid. I really have a 'normal' day of coping only a few times a month. Admitting this is really hard. I don't see much ahead for me. Do we all have different triggers? Can this set off a mania episode?