
我也有双相情感障碍,我是一个快速循环的人。我真希望能像你说的那样,把那些寄生虫从我脑袋里赶走。我通常是一个快乐、乐于助人的人。当狂躁症伴随着飞快的思绪袭来时,我觉得自己处于旋风或恐惧之中。我知道有些人谈论躁狂是指欣快、疯狂鲁莽和无忧无虑。我的狂躁症非常暴躁、愤怒,我觉得我想对周围的任何人大喊大叫。有一件事是肯定的,在躁狂期间;我的房子是镇上最干净的。仍然有所有的能量看起来如此消极。一旦我下来了——我就一头扎进了抑郁的深渊。 This lasts longer and I want to do nothing but lie in bed and sleep. However; there is an "in-between period" where I am somewhat depressed but just little enough to fake it and actually seem human to others and my husband. I don't know how he deals with me. He really must love me to put up with someone as up and down as me. I certainly appreciate him and definitely love him too.