
我也患有躁郁症,我是一个极端的同情心。我可以完全关联的故事。我一直能够特别感受危险。我有出色的直觉。我不看新闻,因为它伤了我的心!乌鸦的地方严重压倒了我。据报道,截至两天前,田纳西州的15个月大的Eveyln Boswell失踪了,自2019年12月26日以来就没有被发现。虐待,失踪,ECT。孩子们总是对我产生深远的情感影响,尤其是因为花了两个月的时间据报道失踪。。但这是我对失踪孩子感到最糟糕的危险感。 I can sense others pain and have physically felt the pain from people I'm the closest to. It's almost like a sixth sense. But a few extremely close relatives have fooled me because of how much I love them. My Dad is a psychopath, my sister a sociopath and my cousin and best friend has Narsacisstic Personality Disorder; all on my Dad's side of the family. Yet had it been a stranger, I would have immediately picked up on the betrayal, gaslighting, deception and abuse. To my knowledge I've yet to meet a another empath and it's hard for family and friend's to understand how I sense what I do that they've seen come to pass. For me being an empath and having Bipolar is so difficult for me. The pain I feel with my depression and the pain from others is unbearable at times. I so much wish that there was another empath that I could text with about how we feel. Please , if there's anyone here that would be willing to help me and I help you, please let me know.