

由于我们可能想在其他时候探索的原因,我在公司葡萄园里花了30多年的历史,作为广告撰稿人 - 这种职业享受着一定程度的社交声望,大致相当于垃圾收藏家,律师和蛇油推销员- 虽然可以肯定的是,后一组受到了尊重,因为几乎每个人都讨厌一条吱吱作响的蛇。我知道我愿意。但是我离题了。如您所知,作家是一个不可荣誉的地段。As a rule they live in culverts, subsist on scraps of food left by others in greasy spoon diners on the outskirts of town, frequently showing up for work with three day’s of stubble, pockets crammed with losing lottery tickets, reeking of bourbon and cheap cigars. The men are even worse! As a bipolar dipsomaniac with a chronic attitude problem that includes contempt for authority, you can imagine I lost and found and lost employers the way others misplace car keys. Some jobs were submerged deep within the bowels of soulless corporations shamelessly exploiting the witless populace, while others resided in neurosis factories referred to as advertising agencies where paranoia, throat-slitting, and British wardrobes were passed off as creativity.
我们这些适合“精神病患者”的人在网络,职业发展和采访技术方面面临非凡挑战。约翰尼(Johnny)全美午餐会(Bunchbucket)可能从来不必在土耳其监狱中向一位恐怖的人力资源主管解释。但是,对于我们这样的人来说,这甚至不是一个非凡的挑战。精神病患者 - (范围内启用) - 求职者需要为可疑终止,降级和出色的认股权证做好合理的解释。诚实始终是最好的政策,但是请记住,当您谈论在五维游泳池中进行的Galactic Intergalactic国际象棋比赛时,您的面试官根本没有资格了解您。可以想象,有一项精美的艺术来制作替代解释,并满足您的人力资源代表的需求,要求填写永远不会被其他任何人阅读或触摸的表格。您有责任让自己易于雇用,而您这样做的一种方法是通过讨论您的过去,而这些方式不会使潜在的雇主充满恐惧。