



  • 首先,自学。
  • 学习法律。
  • 了解你的权利以及学区的责任。
  • 查看特殊教育权利和责任。






2.学校可以不在乎律师和诉讼,除非有大量的赔偿金额,否则赔偿赔偿,律师可能会毫不谨慎地欺骗你和你与学区的问题。当你用法律诉讼威胁他们时,学区甚至没有退缩,因为纳税人口袋陷入深刻,法律战斗所产生的成本并不关心学校,校长或该地区。律师不喜欢代表你的这些类型的战斗,因为再一次,学校口袋都会被跑得深处,他们有能力在法院系统中捆绑在法庭系统中,除非有可能的大量货币金额赔偿方式,律师很快就拒绝了你对他们的案件的要求。忘记您的民权组织等大实体。It didn't take long to for me to learn that your issue must impact an entire group or minority, so unless your suit would affect the way schools deal with disabled children or add/adhd children across the U.S. I was told that there would be no help for them to give. So, what can a parent do? I have found that the following steps have helped me greatly. The thing to remember is that while you want to be aggressive and persistent, you want to do so in a polite manner. Schools/principals/districts tend to look at parents who actively seek services for their children as "combative, or problem parents." I for one am not out to win any awards for most pleasant parent. After a while, you get used to being known as "one of those parents" and not long after that, you begin to find a certain amount of pride in the fact that you are able to obtain the services your child needs or hold the school accountable for their actions.

3.知道你的权益!我不能压力。我一直在许多情况下,学校官员让我不准确的信息。我相信有一些学校专业人士希望父母在“盲目信仰”中被告知他们被告知。毕竟,“谁的专业在这里?”。我已经处理了更多的学校人员,不知道我的孩子有权获得什么,那么你会相信,并且有没有学校在任何情况下没有任何措施,以便为您的儿童需求支付服务费用。你将达到这一点的唯一方法是了解你的权利,所以赋予自己。做研究。记录一切!会议,电话,与您孩子的对话,您的孩子的老师等准备解释您所做的请求,您试图采取的干预措施,您将孩子的老师在处理您的孩子等方面的说明等。我是 once told that when an employee comes up for promotion or review, the powers to be at the district office review the employees file, and that the ONLY way these supervisors find out that there is an employee who perhaps shouldn't be working with certain children or has problem area's is when they run across letters of complaints in the employees file. I've also taken to filing formal complaints with the district and other agencies if applicable, such as the County Office of Special Education rather than turning to attorneys. Once you start the formal complaint process, each district has certain guidelines they must follow which include timelines and in some cases, a chance for the employee in question to respond to the complaint in writing which I was entitled to a copy of. In my case, the employee hung herself in her written statement making my case stronger and a little bit easier for me to get my issues addressed. Plus, having it cross filed with other agencies, left little room for the district to sweep the incident under the rug and also left the district answering to other entities besides myself. The district had to deal with the issue and the employee and the entire incident was documented in the employees record. The other thing I've learned with particularly hard to deal with districts, while they laugh at the mere mention of an attorney, they absolutely hate publicity and dealing with agencies outside their realm of control. This is where state and county offices, congressmen, city councilman, newspapers, etc come in handy.在这里寻找一些关于倡导您的ADHD儿童的信息提示


为什么烦恼地带着该地区并忍受与过程一起挫折和头痛?因为从长远来看,它有所作为。它将学校员工,学校,区和董事会提出通知,他们最好介意他们的P和Q。因为它创造了一个纸张迹,是一条文件,它将在文件上,遵循他们去的员工,每次都会被他们提出晋升或雇员评估,他们将被同龄人审查。当下一个父母或儿童需要帮助时,将在那里进行踪迹。一条纸条,最终将把地区送到一个角落,他们将无法摆脱。他们将无法声称他们不知道,或者他们不知道链条中有一个薄弱的联系,而今天可能无法帮助你的孩子,它将有助于明天来的孩子。另一件事是,最重要的是,学校系统造成幸存下来。他们通过互相保护,他们通过限制他们给予父母的信息量来保存他们通过近距离编织而幸存的信息,并且只能通过告诉父母,只能告诉父母他们需要知道的事情。父母倡导他们的孩子对他们一直在处理儿童和父母的方式是一种威胁,因为他们构成了威胁,学校和该地区将不得不重视他们如何处理你和你的孩子。 And last but not least if we don't band together, join forces and tell our schools that the way they treat our children is unacceptable, it will never change. I can't stress how important it is to take the time to file a complaint with the district if the situation warrants it and there is a policy or employee that needs to be looked at. Filing a complaint in writing creates a paper trail into the employees file and according to the Asst. District Superintendent, is often the only way they know when an employee is not doing there job well when their employee record comes under review. Also, as my mother pointed out, the teachers and admin people certainly have no problem issuing citations, suspensions, and expulsions to our children for inappropriate behavior which become part of their records so why shouldn't we call them on theirs? For tips and ideas on how to effectively communicate with the school,关于如何写信,《特别教育倡导者》有一些非常有用的建议和想法。在这里! !《特殊教育权利和责任》是一本13章的手册,为寻求特殊教育的父母提供了可以想象到的所有问题,第504节为他们的孩子提供了权利和服务。在每一章的结尾,你会发现信件的样本,这样你就会知道如何在服务和听证会的写作中要求!点击这里查看本手册!如果你有问题查看手册或想要一本手册的副本,我已经把所有章节的文本格式压缩文件。








