

Narcotic and opioid are terms that are sometimes used interchangeably.Is there any difference between narcotics vs opioids?在健康场所找出答案。


Where the term is used and what is meant by the term also has to do with whether narcotics and opioids are the same things. Here’s a straightforward look at the rather confusing use of these two drug-related terms.

Opioids vs. Narcotics, Technically Speaking


In official circles, such as the professional medical community, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), National Institute of Health, and more, the issue of narcotics vs opioids is actually a non-issue.

“Narcotics” technically refers to

Part of the reason that there is no official difference between these two terms is that “narcotics” traditionally referred exclusively to opioids for the阿片类药物对大脑和身体的影响。本质上,麻醉品(阿片类药物)是

  • Decrease pain
  • 缓慢的呼吸
  • 减轻焦虑
  • Lower aggression
  • Increase calm, sedation
  • 引起嗜睡
  • Create a sense of apathy
  • Interrupt one’s ability to concentrate
  • 导致便秘
  • 诱发恶心和呕吐
  • 承受着成瘾和过量的高风险

麻醉品(Opioids)合法可作为处方使用阿片类止痛药(Vicodin, codeine, and more) as well as illegally (such as heroin).

Similar terms for the drugs that cause the above effects are

  • 毒品
  • 阿片类药物
  • 镇痛药
  • 止痛药
  • Drugs for pain


Opioids were traditionally classified as narcotics, and they still are narcotics. However, the term “narcotic” has become much like “Kleenex” or “Band-Aid.” When many people need a tissue, they ask for a Kleenex regardless of the brand sitting on the table. And when you get a cut, do you ask for a bandage or a Band-Aid? There’s a high likelihood that you ask for a Band-Aid. These are brand names that have become common words for all related products.

“Narcotic” is a term for a specific type of drugs (opioids) that has become common vernacular when discussing all drugs, especially of the illicit variety (阿片类药物和阿片类药物的类型)。

  • “ NARC”是执行毒品法的警察或其他代理商;“ NARC”是麻醉品代理人的缩写,这里的麻醉品是指所有药物,而不仅仅是阿片类药物
  • Narcotics Anonymous is a support group for anyone struggling with drug addiction—all drugs, not just opiates




彼得森(T. Peterson)(2021年12月16日)。麻醉品与阿片类药物:阿片类药物是麻醉品吗?于5月26日从//www.lharmeroult.com/addictions/opioid-addiction/narcotics-vs-opioids-are-opioids-narcotics检索到2022年5月26日检索

